Ronit Plank

RONIT PLANK is the author of the short story collection Home Is a Made-Up Place (Motina, 2023) and the memoir When She Comes Back (Motina, 2021), about the loss of her mother to the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and their eventual reconciliation. She is the creative nonfiction editor for The Citron Review and hosts the podcast Let's Talk Memoir featuring interviews with memoirists about their writing process and creative life.


Sometimes I imagine you

Frozen mid-stride

Footsteps, halted

Arms, lopped off

Your heaving form

Once coursing and molten

Battered now, broken

No longer rope-muscled and tromping

You who had all that power

Folding into yourself

Heavy with your own weight

Hemmed in and melting


I watch you peer through

Smudged-out eyes

Distant ears

Collapsing face

So muted and soft


Of all you were

With no one left to bear witness

Where will you go

What will you do

I have sorrow for

This ripping away


Those neighborhood boys


into our apartment pool


their t-shirts off in the dark

as if no one was watching

but I saw them from my bedroom window

their arms and shoulders

so much more muscular than mine


They dove from the cement ledge like

they belonged there


the surface with a splash


their worn-out roving bodies

slick with August nights


If I had left my bedroom

when they saw me watching


down the fire escape

after they called to me

without my father knowing


out of my clothes

and joined them

far from trash-choked sidewalks

our broken-glass alleys above


If I had allowed myself

to plunge

into that quiet rippling world

maybe I would have found

the softness I needed

our bodies cradled together

in those faultless currents underneath



Rose Louise Hovick

 It was good when she held me

close to her

What we had

different from what the others saw

Her hands on my cheeks

arms encircling mine

smiling in the sun

When she had the time

When she remembered


washing clothes in the stream 

where we camped


He loved me also


To be in that sunlight

almost too hard to look at

the world was big

so many people

But I felt the heat

it filled 

my whole body 

I was solid and heavy for once

Now I feel pieces of me

blowing away


I can’t take what’s gone