What Lasts

What Lasts

What Lasts

by Mary Mandeville

Asha Dore talks to Mary Mandeville about her incredible, important chapbook, What Lasts. WHAT LASTS, A NARRATIVE RELIQUARY ~a story of trauma, loss, and love. Always, love. What Lasts is a non-fiction chapbook, just under fifty pages. The story of a boy loved and lost requires the use of both prose and poetry to be told. What Lasts is available from Wrong Publishing and from Powell’s Books. Content Warning: What Lasts does not shy away from suicide, the hard and sad fact of a young person ending his own life. Approach with care for yourself, reader.

Mary lives in Portland, Oregon with her wife, an aging dogs, and a flock of chickens. She does healing work with human and animal bodies and she writes. Her writing has been published in a bunch of literary journals, won an award or two, and earned a couple of Pushcart nominations. Her chapbook, What Lasts, a collection of essays and poems about loving and losing her son, is out from Wrong Publishing as of January 19, 2024.

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