Split Lip Press
Split Lip Press
Split Lip Press
Kristine Langley Mahler
Director and Publisher
Kristine Langley Mahler is the author of A Calendar Is a Snakeskin(Autofocus, 2023), Curing Season: Artifacts (West Virginia University Press, 2022) and Teen Queen Training (forthcoming with Autofocus, 2026). Her work has been supported by the Nebraska Arts Council, twice named Notable in Best American Essays, and published in DIAGRAM, Fourth Genre, Ninth Letter, American Literary Review, and Brevity, among others. Find more about her projects at kristinelangleymahler.com or @suburbanprairie.
The Split/Lip Press Mission
Split/Lip Press is dedicated to publishing boundary-breaking fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid books, lifting the transition boards that prevent fluidity and smashing those we cannot pry up. We love work that questions the concept of truth and work that reinterprets what we think we know. We prize experimentation (physical, emotional, metaphysical, meta-emotional); we welcome the unanswerable. We want to see the dark and the light side of the moon—or we want to see it obliterated. If your book is a wedge in a crack, Split/Lip Press is the hammer helping you split the wall apart.
Since 2014, SLP has been honored to publish innovative and culturally relevant books. We collaborate with our authors as much as possible to design books which reflect the complexity of their work, and we print on-demand to provide our authors with the highest possible royalties. Each year, Split/Lip Press runs separate submissions periods for flash fiction/short story manuscripts, novella/novels, nonfiction/hybrid collections, and chapbooks (alternating between nonfiction/hybrid and fiction).
Split/Lip Press is committed to supporting work that fights against oppression by lifting up underrepresented people and voices. This is part of our mission of publishing boundary-breaking prose. Many members of the SLP family, as individuals, have long been involved in decolonization and antiracist work, financially contributing to support resistance and relief for oppressed peoples, and always bearing witness and amplifying their voices. But given the devastation in Palestine, the ongoing genocide, and the complicity of many institutions in the US, our editorial team felt the need to clarify our press's stance on the devastation in Gaza and what we're doing to live out those beliefs.
We do not support the genocide in Palestine, and we're appalled at the US government's continued support of Israel's apartheid regime and terror campaign. We stand with the Palestinian people, and we want to do everything in our power to lift up their voices. We encourage all other institutions to make their views known, and we demand that our colleges, universities, and government programs divest from Israel. We stand firmly against both antisemitism and Zionism.