Our People.
Rebecca Tourino Collinsworth
Rebecca is the artistic director and owner of Parley Productions, our parent company.
She is co-editor of Parley Lit.
What she’s looking for…
Tell me a story that cuts through the noise, thoughtfully, so I can follow you there. Hold my hand when I’m about to stumble. Don’t leave me out there in the wilderness. Take me home with you, and show me something true. It should be beautiful to you but not only to you. Let me hold that beauty, too.
Asha Dore
Asha is editor in chief of Parley Lit.
She is an associate director of art and marketing for Parley Productions.
What she’s looking for…
I love true stories, however they need to be told. I want your hardest truths. Show me what is precious and dangerous at the same time. Show me a new way of seeing or thinking or believing. I want your most delicate moments and the scenes wedged between your befores and afters. I want to be delighted and devastated at the exact same time.
The aesthetic.
Beautiful. Specific. Alive.
We like stories that acknowledge plot, even if they find a moving way to subvert it. We believe in work that is respectful, curious, funny as hell, dark or brutal. We fall for work that we can feel in our bodies. We fall for work that drags us through your world and gives us something to think about or remember when we leave. We want to feel like we read your story or watched your performance for a reason. Your work is a gift. We want to receive it, all the way through.
We dig voices - dialog-driven work and actual voices, out loud.
We love work that is cinematic or lyric or both. We love writers who combine science or journalism with performance or art. We love illustration and animation. We believe graphic work and performance is made stronger with literary craft. We trust you to find new ways to bring this to us.